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Sometimes you want to know how long a script took and how much memory it consumed.
Run Time and Memory used can also be useful if tracked overtime, for example in:
- cron/cli scripts
- web requests
- api requests
While tools such as New Relic (paid), DataDog (paid), NetData (opensource), Prometheus (opensource) could be used, sometimes a simpler local solution is all that is needed.
Here is a simple Trait to extend your classes with
namespace App\Traits;
trait Stats
private $timer_start;
private $timer_finish;
public function statsTimerStart()
$this->timer_start = microtime(true);
public function statsTimerFinish()
$this->timer_finish = microtime(true);
public function statsTimerRuntime()
if (empty($this->timer_finish)) {
$runtime = $this->timer_finish - $this->timer_start;
return gmdate('H:i:s', $runtime);
public function statsMemoryUsed()
$memory_used = memory_get_peak_usage(true);
return $this->statsFormatBytes($memory_used);
public function statsFormatBytes(int $bytes, int $precision = 2)
$units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'];
$unit_index = 0;
while ($bytes > 1024) {
$bytes /= 1024;
return round($bytes, $precision) . $units[$unit_index];
Basic usage:
.. do stuff ..
log 'stuff processed in ' . $this->statsTimerRuntime() . ' using ' . $this->statsMemoryUsed();
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Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
Slim can also be used to run scripts or commands from the command line, also known as the cli.
While libraries such as symfony/console or even slim/console can be used, they can be rather cumbersome ie heavy when all you want to do is run a command and have access to your existing code and services in Slim.
The basic flow of a Slim API call could be envisioned as:
uri -> route -> action -> use query params
From the command line, there is no uri.
But maybe we could take the cli arguments and map that to a uri, and thus a route.
Perhaps such as
> php cli.php /cli/dostuff
Hmm, /cli/dostuff sure looks like a uri, right?
That can be mapped a Slim route nicely.
How about
> php cli.php /cli/dostuff?verbose=1&dryrun=1
verbose = 1
dryrun = 1
But what if we use arguments in a more common cli fashion?
> php cli.php /cli/dostuff verbose=1 dryrun=1
Hmm, verbose and dryrun still look like query string params
Would be nice if calling
verbose = 1
dryrun = 1
But what if we use arguments in a more typical cli fashion?
> php cli.php /cli/dostuff -verbose -dryrun
Hmm, verbose and dryrun do not look like query string params, but what if they were mapped to a key, such as argv?
Would be nice if calling
argv = [-verbose, -dryrun]
Well, for those changes and more, create a new file, named something such as runrundorun.php or maybe just cli.php. Place the new file below public, in the project root, at the same level as public, src, vendor, etc.
In cli.php, we will map the command line arguments to a uri, so Slim can test against routes, and then bootstrap Slim as normal.
<?php if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') { exit("CLI only"); } if (empty($argv) || count($argv) < 2) { exit("Missing route for CLI"); } // remove calling script array_shift($argv); // get route + params from 1st argument $uri = array_shift($argv); // group routes by /cli/ if (strpos($uri, '/cli/') !== 0) { // handle os shell quirks // windows git bash if (strpos($uri, 'C:/Program Files/Git/cli/') === 0) { $uri = str_replace('C:/Program Files/Git/cli/', '/cli/', $uri); } else { echo "uri: " . $uri . PHP_EOL; exit("CLI Route must start with /cli/"); } } // get any more arguments if (!empty($argv)) { $additional = ''; foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (strpos($arg, '=') !== false) { // r=1 d=10 $additional .= '&' . $arg; } else { // normal args -r 10, store as argv $additional .= '&argv[]=' . $arg; } } if (strpos($uri, '?') === false) { $uri .= '?'; } $uri .= $additional; } // set uri based on cli arguments $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $uri; // normal Slim app, routes_cli_*, ActionCli (require __DIR__ . '/cfg/bootstrap.php');
You can add a customer error handler and return just text or maybe something with a little structure, such as json. See the example in the official Slim docs to add a ErrorHandler to return json.
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Instead of using an external listener, such as Selenium, which can be 'flaky' at times waiting for responses, Cypress has been built to run in the browser so it can more accurately monitor and react to requests. More information can be found at
The following will install Cypress, give some configuration and organization recommendations, and show how to persist sessions. Writing the tests is up to you! (Write your first test)
In the base of your application, make a tests directory, and a cypress directory, as you may have or end up using other test suites
> mkdir tests/cypress
> cd tests/cypress
Simple npm install
> npm install cypress --save-dev
run Cypress
> npx cypress open
Official docs Install Cypress
While the install of Cypress creates an example skeleton directory
It is recommended to create your own directory 'just in case' a npm update decides to do 'something' with those skeleton directories.
create an app or unique name under
You can copy from
or create the directories:
- integration
- fixtures
- plugins
- screenshots
- support
- commands
- callbacks
create three config files,
cypress.json contains global configuration related to Cypress
Add your [app_abbrev] location to the config:
cypress.env.json contains environment dependent configuration, such as user names for logins
You should create and maintain a
with the available config options too
An example config:
Note, while Cypress does have a baseUrl config option that can be added to cypress.json, doing so does not allow the url to change per environment/developer/tester. If you are using a defined centralized test environment, or defined containers, then this should not be an issue. But to allow the url the app uses during testing to vary between environment/developer/tester, you can add and use your own base url by adding it to cypress.env.json
So instead of
You would use
The index.js in support is called on every run of a test.
This is where you can add global tests configuration and behaviors
Note, for easier maintenance, try to keep functionality to one file.
to contain
import './commands/login_ui';
import './callbacks/stop_on_failure';
import './callbacks/preserve_session';
Support Commands
An example of a common executed test step may be to log in to your app.
Login UI
Create and add the minimal steps to log into your app, which may look similar to:
Cypress.Commands.add("login_ui", (email, password) => {
Note, instead of using your apps ui to log in for every test, you should create a token or api access to expedite the test
Now you can call the command using one consistent statement
describe("Select that Awesome Thing Test", () => {
Support Callbacks/Behaviors
Stop on Failure:
When on step of a test fails, it will often cause the next steps to fail.
So fail early so the problem can be found quicker.
Create and add
// after each test
// stop test after first failure
afterEach(function () {
Preserve Sessions:
All tests are supposed to be isolated, so Cypress will often clean up your cookies.
While it would be nice if the cleanup happens after the first test, or the last test in a suite, the clean up will happen after a few tests, which can log you out of your app and make it seem like your app or the test are broken.
To persists your session, which is often stored in a session cookie, create and add:
// once before all tests
// preserve session cookie so don't get 'randomly' logged out after several specs
before(function () {
While you can run Cypress via
> npx cypress open
You can also add a more common alias to your package.json
"scripts": {
And run Cypress via
> npm run test
Update your .gitignore
Hopefully the above information helps you setup and use Cypress in a more enjoyable and useful fashion.
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By putting a cleanup Lifecycle rule in place on your S3 buckets, you may be able to potentially save costs and increase LIST performance.
"Incomplete Multipart Uploads – S3’s multipart upload feature accelerates the uploading of large objects by allowing you to split them up into logical parts that can be uploaded in parallel. If you initiate a multipart upload but never finish it, the in-progress upload occupies some storage space and will incur storage charges. However, these uploads are not visible when you list the contents of a bucket and (until today’s release) had to be explicitly removed.
Expired Object Delete Markers – S3’s versioning feature allows you to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in a versioned bucket. When you delete a versioned object, a delete marker is created. If all previous versions of the object subsequently expire, an expired object delete marker is left. These markers do not incur storage charges. However, removing unneeded delete markers can improve the performance of S3’s LIST operation."
To add a cleanup Lifecycle rule:
- Log into the Amazon S3 web console
- Select your S3 bucket
- Select Management
- Select Add lifecycle rule
- Enter a name such as
'Delete incomplete multipart upload and Delete previous versions'
- Skip Transitions for now
Transitions allow you to move storage to slower locations at a reduced cost
- Expiration
- Delete Previous versions after 365 days
You can choose shorter periods such as 7 days or 30 days if you don’’t have a use case for retrieving prior S3 versions.
You will still have the current version, which is usually all you want, but deleting previous versions can help with costs and S3 LIST performance.
- Clean up incomplete multipart uploads after 7 days
If you do not have any automated processes that may re-try uploads, you could choose 1 day
- Review
Agree to the 'scary' this applies to all objects in bucket
Note, if you have S3 objects (uploads) which require different policies, you may find it easier to manage by creating a S3 bucket per policy.
You now have some basic cleanup of your S3 bucket(s) configured.